Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2013 Aldebaran Robotics. All rights reserved.
00003  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
00004  * found in the COPYING file.
00005  */
00007 #pragma once
00008 #ifndef _QI_CLOCK_HPP_
00009 #define _QI_CLOCK_HPP_
00011 #include <qi/api.hpp>
00012 #include <qi/types.hpp>
00013 #include <boost/chrono.hpp>
00015 namespace qi
00016 {
00019   typedef boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::nano>         Duration;
00020   typedef boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::nano>         NanoSeconds;
00021   typedef boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::micro>        MicroSeconds;
00022   typedef boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::milli>        MilliSeconds;
00023   typedef boost::chrono::duration<int64_t>                      Seconds;
00024   typedef boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::ratio<60> >   Minutes;
00025   typedef boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::ratio<3600> > Hours;
00028   class QI_API SteadyClock
00029   {
00030   public:
00031     typedef int64_t                                rep;
00032     typedef boost::nano                            period; // clock counts nanoseconds
00033     typedef boost::chrono::duration<rep, period>   duration;
00034     typedef boost::chrono::time_point<SteadyClock> time_point;
00035     BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool is_steady = boost::chrono::steady_clock::is_steady;
00037   public:
00038     typedef boost::chrono::time_point<SteadyClock>        SteadyClockTimePoint;
00040     enum Expect {
00041       Expect_SoonerOrLater,
00042       Expect_Later,
00043       Expect_Sooner
00044     };
00047     // Returns a time_point representing the current value of the clock.
00048     static SteadyClockTimePoint now();
00050     // Convert the time point to a number of milliseconds on 32 bits.
00051     // Since the 32 bits number overflows every 2^32 ms ~ 50 days,
00052     // this is a lossy operation.
00053     static uint32_t toUint32ms(const SteadyClockTimePoint &t) throw();
00054     static int32_t toInt32ms(const SteadyClockTimePoint &t) throw();
00056     // Get a time point from a number of milliseconds on 32 bits.
00057     //
00058     // Since the 32 bits number overflows every ~50 days,  an infinity of
00059     // time points match a given 32 bits number (all modulo ~50 days).
00060     // This function picks the result near the guess timepoint depending on
00061     // the expect argument:
00062     //
00063     // if expect == LATER, result is expected to be later than guess:
00064     //
00065     //     guess <= result < guess + period
00066     //
00067     // if expect == SOONER, result is expected to be sooner than guess:
00068     //
00069     //     guess - period < result <= guess
00070     //
00071     // if expect == SOONER_OR_LATER, pick the nearest result:
00072     //
00073     //     guess - period/2 < result <= guess + period/2
00074     //
00075     // where period == 2^32 ms ~ 50 days
00076     static time_point fromUint32ms(uint32_t t_ms, SteadyClockTimePoint guess,
00077                                    Expect expect=Expect_SoonerOrLater) throw();
00078     static time_point fromInt32ms(int32_t t_ms, SteadyClockTimePoint guess,
00079                                   Expect expect=Expect_SoonerOrLater) throw();
00080   };
00082   class QI_API WallClock
00083   {
00084   public:
00085     typedef int64_t rep;
00086     typedef boost::nano period; // clock counts nanoseconds
00087     typedef boost::chrono::duration<rep, period> duration;
00088     typedef boost::chrono::time_point<WallClock> time_point;
00089     BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool is_steady = false;
00091   public:
00092     typedef boost::chrono::time_point<WallClock>          WallClockTimePoint;
00094     // Returns a time_point representing the current value of the clock.
00095     static WallClockTimePoint now();
00097     // Converts a system clock time point to std::time_t
00098     static std::time_t to_time_t(const WallClockTimePoint& t) throw();
00100     // Converts std::time_t to a system clock time point
00101     static WallClockTimePoint from_time_t(const std::time_t &t) throw();
00102   };
00106   typedef SteadyClock::SteadyClockTimePoint SteadyClockTimePoint;
00107   typedef WallClock::WallClockTimePoint WallClockTimePoint;
00109   inline SteadyClockTimePoint steadyClockNow() {
00110     return SteadyClock::now();
00111   }
00113   inline WallClockTimePoint wallClockNow() {
00114     return WallClock::now();
00115   }
00118   // Blocks the execution of the current thread for at least d.
00119   QI_API void sleepFor(const qi::Duration& d);
00120   template <class Rep, class Period>
00121   inline void sleepFor(const boost::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d);
00123   // Blocks the execution of the current thread until t has been
00124   // reached.
00125   //
00126   // This is equivalent to sleep_for(t-steady_clock::now())
00127   QI_API void sleepUntil(const SteadyClockTimePoint &t);
00128   template <class Duration>
00129   inline void sleepUntil(const boost::chrono::time_point<SteadyClock, Duration>& t);
00131   // Blocks the execution of the current thread until t has been
00132   // reached.
00133   // Adjustments of the clock are taken into account.
00134   // Thus the duration of the block might, but might not, be less
00135   // or more than t - system_clock::now()
00136   QI_API void sleepUntil(const WallClockTimePoint& t);
00137   template <class Duration>
00138   inline void sleepUntil(const boost::chrono::time_point<WallClock, Duration>& t);
00140 }
00142 #ifdef __APPLE__
00143   //export template instanciation for RTTI issues across libraries. (mostly for OSX)
00144   template class QI_API boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::nano>;
00145   template class QI_API boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::micro>;
00146   template class QI_API boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::milli>;
00147   template class QI_API boost::chrono::duration<int64_t>;
00148   template class QI_API boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::ratio<60> >;
00149   template class QI_API boost::chrono::duration<int64_t, boost::ratio<3600> >;
00150   template class QI_API boost::chrono::time_point<qi::SteadyClock>;
00151   template class QI_API boost::chrono::time_point<qi::WallClock>;
00152 #endif
00154 #include <qi/clock.hxx>
00156 #endif  // _QI_OS_HPP_
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