qibuild.find - Finding build products

Find a target given its name

qibuild.find.find_lib(paths, name, debug=None, expect_one=True, shared=None)

Find a library in a list of paths.

Param :debug. If None, looks for both debug and release. If True, only look for a library built in debug, if False, only look for a library built in release. (This is only relevant on Windows)

If True, raises:

  • NotFound if no match is found
  • MulipleFound if more than one match is found

Otherwise return a list of matches

qibuild.find.find_bin(paths, name, debug=None, expect_one=True)

Find a binary in a list of paths.

Param :debug. If None, looks for both debug and release. If True, only look for a binary built in debug, if False, only look for a binary built in release. (This is only relevant on Windows)

If True, raises:

  • NotFound if no match is found
  • MulipleFound if more than one match is found

Otherwise return a list of matches