Every tool is using a worktree.
The WorkTree class contains just a list of paths, which are simple Project objects. Those do not have a name, and are identified by there relative path to the worktree. They are stored in a worktree cache, in <worktree root>/.qi/worktree.xml
|__ .qi
|__ worktree.xml
|__ foo
|__ bar
|__ baz
Here for instance you could have two projects: one in foo, and the other in bar
Projects are added to the worktree with qisrc add, qisrc remove, but the `
Projects can also contain sub-projects, providing they have a qiproject.xml at their root:
<!-- in bar/qiproject.xml -->
<project src="baz" />
Here, if the bar path is registered to the worktree and bar/baz exists, then a project in bar/baz will be created too
Then, other classes creates their own kind of projects using the registered paths in the worktree.
For instance, to have a buildable project, you must have
So the list of buildable paths (from where you can run CMake) is always a sublist of all the projects in the worktree.
Buildable projects are then identified by their names, which must be unique in the worktree.
This makes it possible to express dependencies between buildable projects using just the names, and not caring where the build projects are actually located on the filesystem
It also means you can nest qibuild and qidoc projects anyway you want.
For instance:
<!-- in foo/qiproject.xml -->
<qibuild name="foo" />
<project src="doc" />
<!-- in foo/doc/qiproject.xml -->
<qidoc name="foo" type="shinx" />
<!-- in worktree/top/qiproject.xml -->
<project src="hello" />
<project src="world" />
<!-- in worktree/top/hello/qiproject.xml -->
<qibuild name="hello" />
<!-- in worktree/top/world/qiproject.xml -->
<qibuild name="world" />