This section is targeted towards ROS users wanting to know more about qiBuild.
First, qiBuild and the ROS build system have much in common.
They are both based on CMake, and provide a set of tools to manage multiple projects, and dependencies between projects.
Catkin never wraps any CMake functionality and only provides additional CMake functionality. What you need to do in catkin is define what other packages need to know about your package. This is done by calling one macro:
This will define the fooConfig.cmake and fooConfig-version.cmake files that other packages will need. For everything else, you need to write things explicitly, using standard CMake. For example, to use a catkin package, you need to call:
find_package(catkin COMPONENT foo)
target_link_libraries(bar ${foo_LIBRARIES})
The folder hierarchy is then a src folder with all your sources, and it stays untouched. An out-of-source build folder that contains all the temporary files used for building and an out-of-source/out-of-build devel folder that contains an FHS compliant set of built libraries and executables.
With qibuild, you do not need to specify what you export as it is done automatically when defining a library/executable:
Using another package is then just a matter of calling:
qi_use_lib(bar FOO)
Each qiproject is built in the source folder in a build folder that is proper to a specific toolchain.
If qibuild is installed on the system, it just works, but the qibuild command line tool is also smart enough to pass -Dqibuild_DIR when necessary.
Catkin lets you decide what you want to install and where using standard CMake. For convenience, it defines variables you can reuse (CATKIN_PACKAGE_BIN_DESTINATION, CATKIN_PACKAGE_SHARE_DESTINATION ...) and that correspond to standard locations on your distro or OS.
The output path devel is outside the build dir and outside the source dir.
N/A : automatically set. Default SDK layout.
Output path is inside build dir, in a directory named sdk/ (temporary build results are NOT in build/sdk)
Goes away from the CMake defaults:
Goes away from the CMake defaults:
Standard CMake:
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${BOOST_LIBRARIES})
qi_use_lib(myproject BOOST_THREAD)
Easy to use but requires the manual creation of one CMake file per 3rd party. The flip side is that you can inherit dependencies:
qi_use_lib(foo bar)
qi_use_lib(baz foo) # baz links with foo and bar
(Something cmake 2.8.12 kinda does, but which much greater complexity because they handle all the corner cases)
Catkin only deals with Python using standard setuptools (and can therefore deal with standard Python code, SWIG ...). Just write your and then call the following macro from your CMakeLists.txt.
Also, catkin does not copy your source Python files to the devel space to avoid confusion and ease development: it creates files that refer to your sources.
qiBuild has direct support for SWIG projects:
qi_swig_wrap_python(_foo foo.i
SRC bar.cpp
If you create ROS packages in their own workspace and source the, all environment variables are set to enable using those ROS packages from any CMake project using find_package(catkin COMPONENTS foo), hence from qibuild projects too.
qibuild projects have some limitations for now: they do not provide a fooConfig-version.cmake file yet, and need to be find_package()-ed from a qibuild project.