# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- import argparse import time import math import almath from naoqi import ALProxy try: import pylab as pyl PLOT_ALLOW = True except ImportError: print "Matplotlib not found. this example will not plot data" PLOT_ALLOW = False def main(robotIP, PORT=9559): """ robot Position: Small example to know how to deal with robotPosition and getFootSteps """ motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT) postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT) # Wake up robot motionProxy.wakeUp() # Send robot to Stand Init postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5) # Initialize the move motionProxy.moveInit() # end init, begin experiment # First call of move API # with post prefix to not be bloquing here. motionProxy.post.moveTo(0.3, 0.0, 0.5) # wait that the move process start running time.sleep(0.1) # get robotPosition and nextRobotPosition useSensors = False robotPosition = almath.Pose2D(motionProxy.getRobotPosition(useSensors)) nextRobotPosition = almath.Pose2D(motionProxy.getNextRobotPosition()) # get the first foot steps vector # (footPosition, unChangeable and changeable steps) footSteps1 = [] try: footSteps1 = motionProxy.getFootSteps() except Exception, errorMsg: print str(errorMsg) PLOT_ALLOW = False # Second call of move API motionProxy.post.moveTo(0.3, 0.0, -0.5) # get the second foot steps vector footSteps2 = [] try: footSteps2 = motionProxy.getFootSteps() except Exception, errorMsg: print str(errorMsg) PLOT_ALLOW = False # end experiment, begin compute # here we wait until the move process is over motionProxy.waitUntilMoveIsFinished() # then we get the final robot position robotPositionFinal = almath.Pose2D(motionProxy.getRobotPosition(False)) # compute robot Move with the second call of move API # so between nextRobotPosition and robotPositionFinal robotMove = almath.pose2DInverse(nextRobotPosition)*robotPositionFinal print "Robot Move:", robotMove # Go to rest position motionProxy.rest() # end compute, begin plot if PLOT_ALLOW: ################# # Plot the data # ################# pyl.figure() printRobotPosition(robotPosition, 'black') printRobotPosition(nextRobotPosition, 'blue') printFootSteps(footSteps1, 'green', 'red') pyl.figure() printRobotPosition(robotPosition, 'black') printRobotPosition(nextRobotPosition, 'blue') printFootSteps(footSteps2, 'blue', 'orange') pyl.show() # end plot def printRobotPosition(pos, color): """ Function for plotting a robot position :param pos: an almath Pose2D :param color: the color of the robot """ robotWidth = 0.01 pyl.plot(pos.x, pos.y, color=color, marker='o', markersize=10) pyl.plot([pos.x, pos.x + robotWidth*math.cos(pos.theta)], [pos.y, pos.y + robotWidth*math.sin(pos.theta)], color=color, linewidth = 4) def printFootSteps(footSteps, colorLeft, colorRight): """ Function for plotting the result of a getFootSteps :param footSteps: the result of a getFootSteps API call :param colorLeft: the color for left foot steps :param colorRight: the color for right foot steps """ if len(footSteps[0]) == 2: posLeft = footSteps[0][0] posRight = footSteps[0][1] if posLeft != posRight: leftPose2D = almath.Pose2D(posLeft[0], posLeft[1], posLeft[2]) printLeftFootStep(leftPose2D, colorLeft, 3) rightPose2D = almath.Pose2D(posRight[0], posRight[1], posRight[2]) printRightFootStep(rightPose2D, colorRight, 3) if len(footSteps[1]) >= 1: for i in range(len(footSteps[1])): name = footSteps[1][i][0] pos = footSteps[1][i][2] tmpPose2D = almath.Pose2D(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) if name == 'LLeg': leftPose2D = rightPose2D * tmpPose2D printLeftFootStep(leftPose2D, colorLeft, 3) else: rightPose2D = leftPose2D * tmpPose2D printRightFootStep(rightPose2D, colorRight, 3) if len(footSteps[2]) >= 1: for i in range(len(footSteps[2])): name = footSteps[2][i][0] pos = footSteps[2][i][2] tmpPose2D = almath.Pose2D(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) if name == 'LLeg': leftPose2D = rightPose2D * tmpPose2D printLeftFootStep(leftPose2D, colorLeft, 1) else: rightPose2D = leftPose2D * tmpPose2D printRightFootStep(rightPose2D, colorRight, 1) pyl.axis('equal') def printLeftFootStep(footPose, color, size): """ Function for plotting a LEFT foot step :param footPose: an almath Pose2D :param color: the color for the foot step :param size: the size of the line """ lFootBoxFL = footPose * almath.Pose2D( 0.110, 0.050, 0.0) lFootBoxFR = footPose * almath.Pose2D( 0.110, -0.038, 0.0) lFootBoxRR = footPose * almath.Pose2D(-0.047, -0.038, 0.0) lFootBoxRL = footPose * almath.Pose2D(-0.047, 0.050, 0.0) pyl.plot(footPose.x, footPose.y, color=color, marker='o', markersize=size*2) pyl.plot( [lFootBoxFL.x, lFootBoxFR.x, lFootBoxRR.x, lFootBoxRL.x, lFootBoxFL.x], [lFootBoxFL.y, lFootBoxFR.y, lFootBoxRR.y, lFootBoxRL.y, lFootBoxFL.y], color = color, linewidth = size) def printRightFootStep(footPose, color, size): """ Function for plotting a RIGHT foot step :param footPose: an almath Pose2D :param color: the color for the foot step :param size: the size of the line """ rFootBoxFL = footPose * almath.Pose2D( 0.110, 0.038, 0.0) rFootBoxFR = footPose * almath.Pose2D( 0.110, -0.050, 0.0) rFootBoxRR = footPose * almath.Pose2D(-0.047, -0.050, 0.0) rFootBoxRL = footPose * almath.Pose2D(-0.047, 0.038, 0.0) pyl.plot(footPose.x, footPose.y, color=color, marker='o', markersize=size*2) pyl.plot( [rFootBoxFL.x, rFootBoxFR.x, rFootBoxRR.x, rFootBoxRL.x, rFootBoxFL.x], [rFootBoxFL.y, rFootBoxFR.y, rFootBoxRR.y, rFootBoxRL.y, rFootBoxFL.y], color = color, linewidth = size) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="", help="Robot ip address") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559, help="Robot port number") args = parser.parse_args() main(args.ip, args.port)