# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- ''' Reflexes: LArm Collision Avoidance ''' import motion import time import argparse from naoqi import ALProxy def main(robotIP, PORT=9559): ''' Example showing the effect of collision detection Nao bumps his chest with his left arm with collision detection enabled or disabled. ''' motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT) # Get the robot configuration. robotConfig = motionProxy.getRobotConfig() robotName = "" for i in range(len(robotConfig[0])): if (robotConfig[0][i] == "Model Type"): robotName = robotConfig[1][i] ################## # Initialization # ################## pChainName = "LArm" # Send robot to Pose Init. moveLArm(motionProxy, robotName, "Init") # Disable collision detection on LArm chain. pEnable = False success = motionProxy.setCollisionProtectionEnabled(pChainName, pEnable) if (not success): print("Failed to disable collision protection") time.sleep(1.0) # Make NAO's arm move so that it bumps its torso. moveLArm(motionProxy, robotName, "Final") time.sleep(1.0) # Go back to pose init. moveLArm(motionProxy, robotName, "Init") # Enable collision detection on chainName. pEnable = True success = motionProxy.setCollisionProtectionEnabled(pChainName, pEnable) if (not success): print("Failed to enable collision protection") # Make NAO's arm move and see that it does not bump on the torso. moveLArm(motionProxy, robotName, "Final") time.sleep(1.0) # Go back to pose init. moveLArm(motionProxy, robotName, "Init") def moveLArm(motionProxy, pRobotName, pPose): ''' Function to make NAO bump on his Torso with his left arm ''' # Define the name of the chain controlled pChainName = "LArm" # Define the final position. if (pPose == "Init"): pTargetAngles = [ 80, # LShoulderPitch 20, # LShoulderRoll -80, # LElbowYaw -60] # LElbowRoll elif (pPose == "Final"): pTargetAngles = [ 50, # LShoulderPitch 6, # LShoulderRoll 0, # LElbowYaw -150] # LElbowRoll else: print "ERROR: Your pose is unknown" print "---------------------" exit(1) # Set the target angles according to the robot version. if (pRobotName == "naoH25") or\ (pRobotName == "naoAcademics") or\ (pRobotName == "naoT14"): pTargetAngles += [0.0, 0.0] elif (pRobotName == "naoH21"): pass elif (pRobotName == "naoT2"): pTargetAngles = [] else: print "ERROR: Your robot is unknown" print "This test is not available for your Robot" print "---------------------" exit(1) # Convert to radians. pTargetAngles = [x * motion.TO_RAD for x in pTargetAngles] # Set the fraction of max speed for the arm movement. pMaxSpeedFraction = 0.5 # Set NAO in stiffness On. motionProxy.setStiffnesses("LArm", 1.0) # Move the arm to the final position. motionProxy.angleInterpolationWithSpeed(pChainName, pTargetAngles, pMaxSpeedFraction) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="", help="Robot ip address") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559, help="Robot port number") args = parser.parse_args() main(args.ip, args.port)