# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- import almath import time import argparse from naoqi import ALProxy def main(robotIP, PORT=9559): motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT) motionProxy.setStiffnesses("Head", 1.0) # Head Start to zeros names = "Head" targetAngles = [0.0, 0.0] maxSpeedFraction = 0.2 # Using 20% of maximum joint speed motionProxy.angleInterpolationWithSpeed(names, targetAngles, maxSpeedFraction) # Example showing a reactive control with time function angleInterpolation # Goal: after 1.0 second, retarget from 40 to 0 degree: smooth transition # Interpolate the head yaw to 20 degrees in 2.0 seconds # With post, angleInterpolation become non-blocking names = "HeadYaw" angleLists = 20.0*almath.TO_RAD timeLists = 2.0 isAbsolute = True motionProxy.post.angleInterpolation(names, angleLists, timeLists, isAbsolute) time.sleep(0.5) # Call getTaskList to have the previous angleInterpolation task number taskList = motionProxy.getTaskList() # Prepare the next target to 50.0 degrees in 1.0 second angleLists = 50.0*almath.TO_RAD timeLists = 1.0 motionProxy.post.angleInterpolation(names, angleLists, timeLists, isAbsolute) time.sleep(0.5) # Kill the first angleInterpolation (go to 40.0 degrees), the second start # smoothly from the current joint position and velocity (go to 0 degrees) motionProxy.killTask(taskList[0][1]) time.sleep(2.0) motionProxy.setStiffnesses("Head", 0.0) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="", help="Robot ip address") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559, help="Robot port number") args = parser.parse_args() main(args.ip, args.port)