# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- import sys import time from naoqi import ALProxy if (len(sys.argv) < 2): print "Usage: 'python audioplayer_playfile.py IP [PORT]'" sys.exit(1) IP = sys.argv[1] PORT = 9559 if (len(sys.argv) > 2): PORT = sys.argv[2] try: aup = ALProxy("ALAudioPlayer", IP, PORT) except Exception,e: print "Could not create proxy to ALAudioPlayer" print "Error was: ",e sys.exit(1) #Launchs the playing of a file aup.playFile("/usr/share/naoqi/wav/random.wav") time.sleep(1.0) #Launchs the playing of a file on the left speaker to a volume of 50% aup.playFile("/usr/share/naoqi/wav/random.wav",0.5,-1.0)