qibuild.dependencies_solver – Resolving dependencies


class qibuild.dependencies_solver.DependenciesSolver(projects, packages)
Projects and packages should have the following attributes:
  • name a name
  • depends a list of build dependencies
  • rdepends a list of runtime dependencies

Resolve dependencies between projects a packages

solve(names[, runtime=False])

Given a list of names, try to sort them in the correct order.

  • names – a list of projects to build
  • runtime – True if using runtime dependencies
Return (projects, packages, not_found) where:
  • projects is a list of project names
  • packages is a list of packages names
  • not_found is a list of names that were not found

The solving is a bit tricky: the idea is that the list of projects retruned is the list of projects that have to be built.

So for instance, assuiming the ‘hello’ always depends on ‘world’

  • Projects=[‘hello’, ‘world’], packages = [] , names=[‘hello]’ -> projects = [‘hello’, ‘world]
  • Projects=[‘hello’], packages = [‘world’], names=[‘hello]’ -> projects = [‘hello’]
  • Projects=[‘hello’, ‘world’], packages = [‘world’] , names=[‘hello]’ -> projects = [‘hello’, ‘world]

But, you can force using the ‘world’ from sources if you specify add ‘world’ to the list of project names:

  • Projects=[‘hello’, ‘world’], packages = [‘world’] , names=[‘hello’, ‘world’] -> projects = [‘hello’, ‘world]